Friday, July 3, 2009


Among our ancestors, there were high thinkers whom their successors called 'Maharshis' who were supposed to be living in secluded 'Asramams' most of the time and always under "Tapassu", eating fruits and nuts available in the forest. They were leaders of mankind, especially for Hindus.Undoubtedly the said Maharshis were high thinkers. Their immediate successors, knowingly or unknowingly, described them as having super natural powers and believed that whatever they said or wrote are hundred percent correct.(But subsequently it is proved that some of their findings and beliefs were incorrect.)
In my opinion they were actually high thinkers who wanted to make their successors lead a systematic and good life. So they evolved certain principles and wanted others to follow them strictly, so that they thought the followers could lead a good, idealistic and systematic life. The Vedas, Puranas, Astrology etc were made with this good intention though they know that these are fictitious and they might have thought that the"end justifies the means".Vedas, Astrology etc were hard nuts to crack for the subsequent generations and so they believed every thing without questioning. The Vedas and Astrology etc could be interpreted in various ways and could be understood only by the elite. The Puranas such as Mahabharatha, Ramayana etc are nothing but stories of the supposed Avatharams (Incarnations) of God but in these they were described, more or less, as human beings of high principles in consonance with the then times. They were said to have all the feelings of human beings and also having super-natural powers and very much behaved as ordinary human-beings with flesh and blood.Sree Krishna was said to have 10,008 wives (may be polygamy was ramphant at that time !). That means womenfolk loved Sree Krishna who was flirting with them. Though this may be an exaggeration, it seems women by far exceeded men in numbers at that Age. According to the norms and customs of that time, there was nothing derogatory about having more than one spouse. In Mahabharatha Panchaali was described to have five husbands. (That means Polyandry was prevailingat those time). Now the tables have turned and polygamy or polyandry are considered to be illegal and of bad practice.

Bhagvat Geetha in a nut shell is "do your duty and dont worry about the result ". This is an adorable advice to the mankind to do their duties and be cheerful always without worrying about the result of our doings. Though this advice was given to Arjuna it is the advice to the whole world. What was the duty of Arjuna in that context? It was to fight in the battle for righteousness. What was the righteousness? It was the fight against their enemy represented by kauravaas who were their close relatives. Though Ramayana and Mahabharatha are stories they depicted excellant situations of life confronting various difficult problems. But most of it do not suit to the present mode of life and norms of the present generation and we cannot go for it in full. Old order and systems should change, yielding plce to new. The old customs and the then previling mode and conduct of living are not at all conduceive to the present times. There were so many undesirable practices prevailed in the olden times. Maharshi falling for beautiful women. Even Viswamithra maharshi fell for Menaka (how and why are not relevant here). Kunthi Devi gave birth to Karna illegally. After marriage also she bore children of various dieties.(not withstading the favourable explanations given in the epics and the interpretations given by the present so called Learned people). Sreerama killed Bali in a manner unsuitable to the Bhagawan, to favour Sugreeva who helped Rama in various ways. This is only favouritsm not befitting to Gods.(The epics are only stories supposed to give some advices to mankind showing examples, but they are not all suitable to the present times)

So it is not at all desirable to go for the old system, practices and belief of the ancient times. The "means" and "end" are not at all justifiable in the present times. Though the ancient philosophies of maharshis helped the subsequent generation to go forward, it is irrevelent now as the mankind has grown up culturally and intellectually and one can recognise what is good and what is bad and is able to lead a good life. Even the "Maharshis" would not have approved the old customs being practised now-a-days.

In short the works of the said "Maharshis" are only meant to lead their followers in a right path (i.e. the path they thought as befitting) But now it is found they failed to achieve their mission and it is foolish to go in for the norms prevailed at the olden days.

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