Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Friday, July 3, 2009


Miss Nature’s colossal production “The Rain” , directed by the greatest of all directors Mr Sun , is being screened throughout the Westcoast in all open air theatres.

The leading lady of the film is the vivacious and curvaceous Mrs. Cloud. She has staged a come back after her delivery last year.Born in the low society of lakes and ponds, she has reached the dizzy heights of stardom recently. She still retains her charm and glamour for which she was noted and easily passes off for a heart throb. No wonder she has broken the hearts of many a cine goer.

The hero is Mr Wind. Being a versatile actor, he is quite at ease with light comedy and utter tragedy as well. The unseen hero (not the ever green hero) preferred this time a swashbuckling act and makes many a hair raising spectacles, which will linger long in our memory.

The story revolves round a cruel and inconsistent husband and his suspicious wife. At the beginning , the heroine (cloud) feels suspicious over the activities of her husband and displays her fury with fiery eyes and thundering voice. Mr Wind is not the type of person to give up easily. To establish his supremacy, he beats her mildly at first and madly thereafter, which makes her run helter-skelter. All her retinue feels panicky and pandemonium is let loose. Mr Wind strikes her so strongly that she flees and seeks shelter to her father Mountain, who wards off the hero tactfully. The heroine rests on the bosom of her father and sheds tears so heavily that streams of tears begin to flow through his hairy chest. Her wailings continue till the very end of this film when he switches off to mere chattering. This is the story in a nut-shell.

The talent of Ms. Cloud lies on her unsurpassed skill of shedding tears even at the slightest provocation, as is the case with many a female. Unrivalled in tragedy, she is the greatest tragedienne of our filmdom. One can easily foretell that she would easily win this year’s coveted OSCAR. The success of Mr Wind is phenomenal. He has once more proved his histrionics and rubs shoulders with Amitabah Bachchan. His delivery of dialogue is devastating and he bids fair to share this credit with Shivaji Ganeshan.

Embellished with the melodious music of Ms Cricket and the accompaniment of Mr Frog, this picture will surely capture the hearts of many a cine-goer and send them to raptures. Mr Beetle even lends his voice for the play-back and one can hear the shrill voice which has no parallel in our filmdom. The cabaret dance of the May fly holds one’s breath and even forces to close one’s eyes at the last stage of the dance when she strips off her tiny dresses.Though lean in incidents, the emotional content of this film is noteworthy and the Director, a genius in this art, depicts this story quite convincingly and taps the narrative for a strong and emotional current. In every foot of this wonderful film, the touch of this wise wizard is felt and this adds a feather to his cap.

M.C. BALAKRISHNAN,KANNUR-670 014. .Posted by BALAKRISHNAN M.C. atPosted by BALAKRISHNAN M.C. at 18:44 0 comments



Astrology is said to be based on 27 stars(Ashwathi, Bharani, Karthika etc. etc and 9 Planets which include Sun, Moon, etc .and also Rahu & Kethu which are not actually Planets but only shadows as per present Astrologers). Though there are thousands of stars and planets in the Univers why the aforesaid 27 stars and 9 planets only interfere or influence men's life? All the planets, stars etc in the universe are attracting each other and that is why they exist and revolve round.This is only the law of attraction by gravitational force. None can prove that this attraction has anything to do with our thoughts and feelings. But as per Astrology they say that our past, present and future can be predicted by considering the time of our birth, according to the position of the then prevailing Stars.Our ancestors and Rishis considered that the earth is the center of the Universe and the Sun,Moon, Stars etc are revolving round the earth. Now it is proved beyond doubt that the earth, moon etc are revolving round the Sun.

Astrology, Vedas , Puranas etc I think are meant only to lead the mankind towards goodness. If what they said is hundred percent correct, how come that their theory of 9 planets etc is found incorrect afterwards? That means what they have written is not hundred percent correct. I dont say what our ancestors and Rishis said are unscientific. For example, AYUR-VEDA and ASTRONOMY are science. It can be verified by trial and observing its effects. But the case of Astrology is different. It is based on what is written by Rishis and no experiments can prove its authenticity. Only explanations and clarifications are given by its followers (though some claim otherwise) So Ayurveda and ASTRONOMY are more or less scientific, but Astrology is not. It is meant only to instill good hope for the future. But the present astrologers are predicting things in a wrong way, which actually tends to create havocs in life. In my opinion, Astrology is something like a penal code that is defining punishment to each kind of crimes men commit, so as to warn mankind when they are likely to go wrong. Predictions are framed on the basis of the time of birth i.e according to the star which is prominent at the time of birth according to Astrology. If the predictions of the Astrologers are found untrue they attribute it to the time of birth being wrongly given in the horoscope.Regarding the actual time of birth, there are different opinions among astrologers themselves. Some say the actual time to recon with is the time when the child is seen ourtside.Some others say that the exact time the child comes in contact with the earth and this should be correctly recorded to the Second etc. Some are of the opinion that the time of birth is the time when the "broonam" of the husband joins with that of the wife in her womb. They say that there are "slogams" to find out this time. But how can one verify the same. If this is the case, the exact time of birth cannot be reckon with. We should believe what the astrologer says. That means there is no authenticity in reckoning the time of birth with these means. Then how can we believe the predictions based on the said actual time of birth which no one can find out correctly. The ambiguity in respect of the actual time of birth is in favour of the astrologers.Yet most of us believe this . What a shame!

ASTRONOMY is a science like Ayurveda as mentioned above. ASTRONOMY and its calculati0ns were known to our ancestors . But they deliberately mixed their knowledge about it with that of Astrology, may be with good intention as mentioned else where. Astrologers and priests are bent upon enhancing blind-beliefs on Astrology because their very existence rests upon it and we cannot blame them on that account.When people go to an astrologer because of any untoward happening, they will say that there are some DOSOMS in the horoscope and for which there are some PARIHARAMS and they usually ask us to give some valuable things to some temples as an offering or to make some POOJAS AND HOMAMS , (the material benefits of which goes to the Poojaris and the spiritual benefit is supposed to go to the persons for whom these Poojas and Homams are conducted. Nexus between astrologers and priests undoubtedly exists and each rely upon the other for their liveli-hood. I don’t think that with the help of Pooja and Homam not even a tiny feather could be moved from its place.The benefit of POOJAS & HOMOMS are supposed to be only spiritual and intangible, elusive and unrealistic. Because of the blind belief in Pooja and homams, people make use of this to wreak vengience on their enemies (but they soon realizethat such acts are futile). If you look at the news-papers, so many advertisements could be seen daily in respect of MANTRIKA ELAS (magical amulets) to grow rich or to suppress enemies. Only fools could believe in such magical amulets. Yet even learned people believe it and go for it. (If this is reliable , the present economical crisis could have been easily solved) Growing rich are the makers of the Mantrika Elas and not the persons who wear it!

In the case of marriages, if any one conduct a survey of marriages taken place after consulting Astrologers and after looking into the “Poruthams” being agreeable, one will find that most of them could not lead a happy life as expected based on the Jathaka poruthams. I know one person who has got seven agreable poruthoms in his favour and yet within a span of about three years, they are on the verge of divorce .The most important factors to be sought are social status & customs of Bride and Bridegrooms, the mental Poruthams between the boy and the girl, their blood group and other health factors . If these are agreeable marriage-life could be more or less happy and prosperous. Usually predictions on the basis of Stars are being published in almost all weeklies, magazines and even in TV Channels. Have you ever tried to compare the predictions of three or four publications? If so you will find each of it differ. If Astrology is a science, predictions of all Astrologers should be same. But it never agrees for which I have got ample proof. That clearly shows Astrology is not a science but only mere fake. There is nothing scientific about it. Our ancestors may have some knowledge about the planets and stars in the sky, but none can say that the predictions based on the stars could ever be true, because the basic concept of Astrology is unrealistic. If the belief in Astrology is doing anything good to man-kind, there is no use of opposing it. But it is not the case now. So many untoward happenings come out of excessive belief in Astrology.

In the case of marriages, the so called CHOVVA DOSOM is causing causing havocs. Disagreement of horoscopes, make our girls and boys remain unmarried, some-times for the whole life and some times have to compromise with various faults (as per Astrology) .Most of the marriages take place after consulting astrologers and if more than half of the PORUTHAMS are agreeable only. It is impossible to get all PORUTHOMS agreeable. So whenever any untoward thing happens contrary to the predictions of astrologers, they can easily escape saying it happened because of the disagreeable PORUTHOMS. It is a fact that all PORUTHOMS do not agree in anyone's alliance and the Astrologers agree to this. Then what is the use of going in for agreable Poruthoms and consulting JATHAKAM when going in for a marriage alliance!It is time that our youth fight against this Blind Belief for the benefit of our people. But unfortunately this belief is growing day by day like all epidemics.

Can any astrologer predict natural calamities like cyclones, earth quakes,Tsunami etc.? If so,many a lives could have been saved in the recent Tsunami, cyclonic calamities etc. So also can anyone predict the actual time of death of any person?. Then what is the use with this Astrology?

Because of the excessive belief in astrology people try to make the birth of a child at a favorable time by taking out the child by Ceasarian operation. I wonder how they can avert fate by doing this? I know three persons (triplets) born on the same day being in the same Star (now in they are in late fifties & a twins in the same star, Dasha etc. As far as I know, their habits, life experience and views are entirely different with each other, though they bear similarity inoutward appearance. How does this happen if the Astrology is true and scientific.The belief in Astrology is due to the fact that we consider the writings of Rishis and ancient people are hundred percent correct and we attribute some godliness to them. We never question what we see in the books of Astrology.but now such beliefs outlive utility.

M.C.BALAKRISHNAN. KANNUR-14 (email: cnn_cotintnl@sancharnet.in)

Friday, July 3, 2009


Among our ancestors, there were high thinkers whom their successors called 'Maharshis' who were supposed to be living in secluded 'Asramams' most of the time and always under "Tapassu", eating fruits and nuts available in the forest. They were leaders of mankind, especially for Hindus.Undoubtedly the said Maharshis were high thinkers. Their immediate successors, knowingly or unknowingly, described them as having super natural powers and believed that whatever they said or wrote are hundred percent correct.(But subsequently it is proved that some of their findings and beliefs were incorrect.)
In my opinion they were actually high thinkers who wanted to make their successors lead a systematic and good life. So they evolved certain principles and wanted others to follow them strictly, so that they thought the followers could lead a good, idealistic and systematic life. The Vedas, Puranas, Astrology etc were made with this good intention though they know that these are fictitious and they might have thought that the"end justifies the means".Vedas, Astrology etc were hard nuts to crack for the subsequent generations and so they believed every thing without questioning. The Vedas and Astrology etc could be interpreted in various ways and could be understood only by the elite. The Puranas such as Mahabharatha, Ramayana etc are nothing but stories of the supposed Avatharams (Incarnations) of God but in these they were described, more or less, as human beings of high principles in consonance with the then times. They were said to have all the feelings of human beings and also having super-natural powers and very much behaved as ordinary human-beings with flesh and blood.Sree Krishna was said to have 10,008 wives (may be polygamy was ramphant at that time !). That means womenfolk loved Sree Krishna who was flirting with them. Though this may be an exaggeration, it seems women by far exceeded men in numbers at that Age. According to the norms and customs of that time, there was nothing derogatory about having more than one spouse. In Mahabharatha Panchaali was described to have five husbands. (That means Polyandry was prevailingat those time). Now the tables have turned and polygamy or polyandry are considered to be illegal and of bad practice.

Bhagvat Geetha in a nut shell is "do your duty and dont worry about the result ". This is an adorable advice to the mankind to do their duties and be cheerful always without worrying about the result of our doings. Though this advice was given to Arjuna it is the advice to the whole world. What was the duty of Arjuna in that context? It was to fight in the battle for righteousness. What was the righteousness? It was the fight against their enemy represented by kauravaas who were their close relatives. Though Ramayana and Mahabharatha are stories they depicted excellant situations of life confronting various difficult problems. But most of it do not suit to the present mode of life and norms of the present generation and we cannot go for it in full. Old order and systems should change, yielding plce to new. The old customs and the then previling mode and conduct of living are not at all conduceive to the present times. There were so many undesirable practices prevailed in the olden times. Maharshi falling for beautiful women. Even Viswamithra maharshi fell for Menaka (how and why are not relevant here). Kunthi Devi gave birth to Karna illegally. After marriage also she bore children of various dieties.(not withstading the favourable explanations given in the epics and the interpretations given by the present so called Learned people). Sreerama killed Bali in a manner unsuitable to the Bhagawan, to favour Sugreeva who helped Rama in various ways. This is only favouritsm not befitting to Gods.(The epics are only stories supposed to give some advices to mankind showing examples, but they are not all suitable to the present times)

So it is not at all desirable to go for the old system, practices and belief of the ancient times. The "means" and "end" are not at all justifiable in the present times. Though the ancient philosophies of maharshis helped the subsequent generation to go forward, it is irrevelent now as the mankind has grown up culturally and intellectually and one can recognise what is good and what is bad and is able to lead a good life. Even the "Maharshis" would not have approved the old customs being practised now-a-days.

In short the works of the said "Maharshis" are only meant to lead their followers in a right path (i.e. the path they thought as befitting) But now it is found they failed to achieve their mission and it is foolish to go in for the norms prevailed at the olden days.